Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Random Alma

Since Alma tends to be cute all the time, I frequently snap pictures of her for no reason at all. Here are a few of my most recent pictures of Alma doing cute things. After Alma and I got home from our walk I unfastened her seat belt and left her asleep in her car seat while I put all of my errand stuff away. This is how I found her when I came back. She looked perfectly content sleeping this way, and actually got very upset with me when I put her back in the proper position when we had to leave for the store again. Dan took this picture the other night before bed. I really like it because Alma is giving me a little smile. She giggled for the first time last week, and then again the other night. We can't wait until she giggles all the time!

This is one of Alma's favorite floor blankets. When I lay her down on it she wiggles like crazy and tries so hard to roll over - that silly arm just keeps getting in her way. Alma saw her physical therapist this morning, and Kathy had nothing but great things to say! Alma's hip alignment has improved tremendously over the past few weeks, and according to Kathy, Alma is about two weeks ahead of the curve on motion! Her movements are still very random, but that is perfectly normal. She is moving so much that when you lay her down she will completely change directions within a matter of minutes. We are both so excited that her casts don't seem to be slowing her down at all! I love this picture because she has a very devious look on her face, like, yeah that's right, I am gonna roll over and nobody can tell me not to!
Also note the upturned collar! It seems that Dan cannot manage to make his own collars look proper, and he cannot do it on Alma either. Like father like daughter I guess.

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