Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Daddy Time

Since Dan has the misfortune of having to work full time he doesn't get to spend nearlyl as much time with Alma as I do. So we have set aside some time every night just for Daddy. Every night Dan and Alma have a bed time ritual, in which Dan changes Alma into her jammies and reads her a story on the floor of her bedroom, then he rocks Alma for a while and puts her to bed. (I think it is a bit unfair that Daddy time also happens to be the time of day that Alma is quietest:)
This is what Alma looks like every night right before bed - totally zonked out with her mouth hanging open. It's so sweet.

This picture was actually taken in the morning when all three of us were hanging out together in bed. She is so much fun in the mornings, once you feed her she is just happy to roll and around and coo.
Sometimes Dan likes to play a video game or two on the computer before we go to bed. He likes it when Alma joins him, and I am pretty sure he is trying to indoctrinate her into a video game fiend before she learns to walk.

The other night I walked into Alma's room to see this! How much fun, I had to sneak away and get the camera. Alma looked so happy sleeping on her Daddy. Dan usually looks happy to be sleeping, but here he looks extra happy. Alma really likes naked time, so this was probably an extra special treat for her.


  1. Kyleigh used to sleep on Rusty's chest. It is his favorite baby memory of Kyleigh. Katelyn never liked that position, and he was so sad about that. He still likes to have Kyky lay on his chest and tell her how little she used to be.

  2. I can't imagine how it could in any way possible be comfortable to lay on Dan or Rusty's hairy chests... maybe it's just me.

  3. Um, I like Dan's hairy chest thankyouverymuch!
