Sunday, September 20, 2009

County Fair

My sister just blogged about her families trip to the county fair - in Hawaii. She was sad because they didn't get to eat any elephant ears or hand dipped corn dogs. Well score one for living in Idaho cuz we had all of the above at our county fair this weekend! Since it was Alma's first trip to the fair we took along the camera and we all had a really great time. Recently we began volunteering for the Latah County Historical Society. Alma and I spend one afternoon each week as docents at the McConnell Mansion Museum. During the fair we volunteered to sit at the society's booth and answer questions. It was a lot of fun, but Dan was most excited because he got to meet a lady who works on the trian display. She invited him to join the train club after hearing about his passionate love of model trains, but since they meet on Thursdays from 9 - 12 he is probably going to have to wait until retirement. Alma and Mommy waiting in line for fair food.
Alma and Daddy chowing down on a deep fat fried onion ring. Great for babies digestive systems! I am sure she is thinking "if only I had teeth!"

The infamous "train room." I am pretty sure this is the only reason Dan goes to the fair.

Alma all tuckered out from a night of fun.

Visiting Aunt Wendy at her camper. Aunt Wendy tried really hard to steal her for the night, but we had too many things to see.

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