Tuesday, May 12, 2009


In April Dan and I took what will probably be our very last trip together without kids in tow . . . and what better place than New Orleans. Why would Darci fly to NOLA at 7 months prego you might wonder? Well, my BFF Jenny, who also happens to be a genius, was invited to present some of her research at the National Conference of American Studies. Since she has a little baby she invited me to come along and watch him for her while she was presenting. Then, when we found out I was prego, Dan decided to come with me so that I wouldn't have to travel by myself. It was a good thing too, because travelling there was a nightmare! One of our flights was delayed, and we ended up getting rerouted through Newark, NJ, where we had to spend the night before getting to NOLA a day late. Whew - I have never been that swollen or uncomfortable in my life. We did get to see the sun come up over the New York City skyline before we left the next day, so that was pretty fun.

We took this picture the first night there. This is an old apartment complex in the French quarter right on Jackson Square. The architecture in the quarter was amazing!

This is Dan and I just outside the French Market. I really enjoy the fact that my shirt is practically neon and makes my belly look huge!

One of our favorite things about NOLA was riding the trolley everywhere we went. Not only was it cheap, it got us everywhere we needed to go, and saved my feet from being even more swollen than they already were. This is a picture of me, Jenny, and little baby Gus (who was very worn out!)

We rode the trolley all the way to the French Market where we got to see all kinds of interesting things made by local artists. They had lots of mardi gras masks and amazing artwork. Unfortunately, we didn't buy much. Dan did find some awesome hot sauce that he gave his brother for his birthday.

After wandering around the French Market we sat down for drinks and a snack at the LA Pizza Factory, which is apparentaly quite famous.

We had all kinds of interesting food while we were there. Dan was in heaven, because most everything he ate consisted of fried fish - his two favorite things! This is a picture of Dan eating a Mufalletta. I am still not sure what it is, but he felt compelled to eat the entire thing and was stuffed for the rest of the day. Later that night when he ordered batter fried alligator he could barely finish his plate. He say's it was because he was still full . . . but I secretly suspect that it was really because fried alligator is disgusting.

Since we were only there for a day and a half (after our delay) we didn't get to see much outside of the French Quarter. We did get to take a carriage ride around the quarter, ride the trolley cars, eat lots of interesting food, and meet some fun people. Most important though, we got to spend time with Jenny and Gus who we hadn't seen in quite a while (they live in Orange County) and we got to take one last vacation together.


  1. Yup, there's a baby in there. Pretty sure. I think you and Jenny look more like sisters than we do. That Gus looks like a cutie. Maybe Alma will have a feminist loving boyfriend right there. Oops, is that a non femininst thing to say, assuming she would want a boyfriend. And about the "mom" and "dad" presents, do you really want to see Mike in an apron?

  2. hahahaha Mandie.. I would love to see Mike in an apron... that'd be very studly. They do look a lot alike huh? And I just want to point out that I feel like an outcast...seeing is how the two of you have the SAME CUTESTBLOGONTHEBLOCK background... such a loserI am

  3. Yay! Love this...and I agree, fried alligator MUST be disgusting. yech! Thank you once again for coming and making the time in NOLA so much fun! I know you were so worn out and hot. Gus loved you and Dan and your boobies! He's a boob man, you know1 And, yes, Gus will not only be a feminist lover, he'll BE a feminist, I am sure. Though he can be whatever he wants, 'cause i am only a guide and protector. In any case, he'll be Alma's BFF, I hope!
