This past Sunday Alma gave her mommy and daddy a very special treat - she slept in until almost 9:00. It was amazing, and even more amazing what you can do with your day when you have had a proper night sleep. To celebrate, we stayed in bed until 10:00 snuggling with Alma, since first thing in the morning is when she is the most happy. Then we got up, cooked a big breakfast complete with fresh bacon and eggs. Then we headed out to Deary for a visit with the grandparents and great grandparents and a long walk in the woods. I love Sunday's.
We started this blog to keep our long distance relatives and friends up to date as Alma and Hadrian grow and our lives happen.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Moby Wrap
Before Alma was born my best friend Jenny bought us a Moby wrap. She had been using hers for several months, and they loved it. At first I wasn't so sure about the Moby, for those of you who have seen them they have about 17 yards of fabric that you wrap around your body a certain way to hold your baby. We tried it when Alma was first born but it didn't work out very well because of her casts. A few weeks ago I pulled it out thinking I would give it another try, and now I am in love with my Moby. It is perfect because you can take Alma in and out of it really easily, she is very comfortable, and I feel like it is very secure. It also has several different holds for different moods. Right now Alma loves to be facing out and we go on long walks every day so she can look around and take in the scenery. It's getting a little colder, so we have to bundle her up but she stays pretty cozy so close to your body. We took these pictures specifically for Aunt Jenny - thanks for the Moby!
On another note, this hat is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Everywhere we go, people stop and tell us how cute the hat is. I don't just mean some people - it is ALL people.
Dinner Party
This past weekend we had two of our couple friends over for a dinner party. Since there were going to be a lot of people and we have a tiny dining room we decided to serve nothing but appetizers. We made some delicious sausage dip that my mom gave me the recipe for, as well as some yummy cheese and crackers, apple bacon tartlet, avacado dip, and fruit dip. Since there were going to be a lot of kids here (Harper - 3, Orion - 2 1/2, Everly - 8 months, Neil and Alma - 4 months) we thought we should have a fun activity to keep them entertained. Well, mostly just Harper and Orion. Those two are crazy! Since I had just read about my nieces decorating giant pumpkin sugar cookies I thought it sounded like a great idea! I baked pumpkins, ghosts, candy corns, and haunted house cookies. The boys had a great time decorating and each got to take a plate home for their families.
Neil was born exactly two weeks before Alma and we have enjoyed watching them grow up together. We like to think they are having play dates, but really they just lay around next to each other. Here they were just hangin out, chewin on some fist.

Dan had a really great time - Alma spent most of the night sitting with us observing the chaos around her. I think she really likes people, because she was so enthralled with them that she didn't eat for almost six hours. This made me think, hmmmm, why can't she go that long at night without eating???
Dan had a really great time - Alma spent most of the night sitting with us observing the chaos around her. I think she really likes people, because she was so enthralled with them that she didn't eat for almost six hours. This made me think, hmmmm, why can't she go that long at night without eating???
Four Months Old
On October 15th Alma turned four months old! Four months old is just the right size - when I lay her down on my lap she is as long as my legs are wide. I feel very ambivelant about Alma getting older, on the one hand I am very excited to see her grow and develop but on the other hand I am sad that she won't be a baby forever. We took this picture of her (below) to commemorate the day - Dan thinks she looks grumpy, but I thinks he was just tired.
I also wanted to take a minute and write down what Alma is like at the ripe old age of four months. When I asked Dan to describe Alma he responded " the sweetest, most cuddly cutest, intelligent baby ever. In the entire universe." I think he is a tad on the proud side. If I were to choose one word it would be curious. Alma is a very observant baby - when she is interested in something she looks and looks and you can see the wheels turning! One of her favorite things to do is go for long walks. If you put her in a front facing carrier and start walking she won't make a single sound, she will just look around and take it all in. She also really likes to stand in front of the window and look outside. I think she will be a great outdoorsperson when she gets older.
GG and G Pa
Two weekends ago my parents came to Moscow for the long weekend. I like to think they came to see me, but I am pretty sure they came to see Alma! We had a really nice time, my mom and I spent a Friday in Uniontown visiting antique shops while my Dad and brother went golfing. On Saturday we went to the Market, did a bit of shopping, and my mom cooked a ton of delicious food. Sunday morning we all went out for breakfast before my parents had to leave. It was a short but nice visit and I can't wait to see them again at Christmas. 
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Baby Pictures
Now that Alma has her casts off and her legs are looking good we decided it was time to take her in for the "official" baby pictures. In preparation for this, I spent a lot of time shopping online at in order to find the perfect hair bow. While doing this, I also came across the perfect tutu. What ensued was an incredible amount of baby cuteness! Anybody who wants copies of the pics just let me know and I can order some for you. Enjoy.

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