This week we finally got around to having our 20 week Ultra Sound - even though we are almost at 26 weeks! It turned out to be a pretty big hassle, our appointment was at 5:00 at the hospital and we had to wait until 6:30 to see the technician. They told me not to go to the bathroom before we went in, so waiting until 6:30 was a pretty awful experience. I actually thought I was going to die mid ultra sound when he started pushing directly on my bladder. But all was well, and we ended up getting this really fantastic picture out of the deal. It is such a clear picture - you can really see the baby's face! Of course we think it is the cutest baby ever, but we are not exactly unbiased!
We have decided not to find out our baby's gender, but everybody is welcome to make their bets based on the facial features. So far, about half the people guessed boy and the other half guessed girl. Let us know what you think!